
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its a New Year, Its a New Day!


We rang in the new year with some best friends at our house! We played a few games, ate some delicious food and dessert, and drank some sparkling grape juice and apple cider at midnight! When they left, around 1:45 am...We finally went to bed! Our kids stayed up with us, yes, they are 4 and 6 and our friends little boy is 3. Despite our efforts of trying to put them to bed early, they stayed up. Our son woke me up around 9 and our daughter and my husband didn't get up till 10:30ish! Our New Years day tradition is to go to my mom's house and eat black-eyed peas and cornbread. This year we did not do that. We stayed home, lounging around the house! It was a wonderful day! The following day, we went to church, came home, lounged some more! Once Monday came along, hubby had to go back to work...booo!!! But, I got to spend one more day with my babies before they headed back to school. Emma is in kindergarten and Dillon is in preschool 2 days a week! Tuesday came along, the kids were back in school, and I TRIED, TRIED to get back into a routine. Boy has it been hard...I have always heard it takes 21 days to create a habit. Wonder how long it takes you to get off the wagon....

My husband and I sat down and set our goals for 2011. Our list got very long! But, they are all attainable, realistic goals! Our biggest goal is to pay off our only car payment!! With God's help, we will have it payed off by April! We are planning on starting some renovations on the house! Small to begin with and then later on they will get bigger!!

Oh, and we are also planning a trip to Disney World in October!! Needless to say, I will have to stretch out grocery planning, meal planning and extra spending. We have a budget program that we use on our computer and we love it!! I have planned out our budget for Disney and how much we have to save/pay for the trip! More to come about Disney.

I have mentioned before that there are changes coming to this blog. I am planning on vamping up the blog a little! Not only blogging about recipes, but our life as trying to be frugal, couponing, freezer cooking, home maintenance, and whatever I feel like blogging about!! I love the fact that I can sit down and write!

I hope you enjoy!!

~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~

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