
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Monday, January 10, 2011

Its Snowing, and you know what that means!!!

  Hubby stayed home from work today and the school system closed down for the next 2 days. There is 7 inches of snow on the ground and we are expected to get another inch in the next day.  When my husband goes to work, I try to stick to a routine. When he is home, it goes out the window most of the time!! I had planned on getting a lot done this weekend and this week. Starting out, haven't don't much at all. See my list here.

Today started at 5 am for my hubby and I. He wanted to see what the roads looked like and if he was going to go to work or not. Needless to say, he didn't go, so there goes my routine. I love having my husband home from work! Kids woke up around 7ish and I started breakfast around 7:45ish. We had bacon and cheese sammies. We let the kids play their games on the Wii while hubby and I looked at activities to do at Disney World when we go this fall. We all then watched a movie on NETFLIX about Disney! NETFLIX by the way is awesome! Check it out! Then, it was time to go out and play in the snow!!! We had so much fun!!

Now, as I type this up, I have a child laying on the living room floor, the other sitting on the couch, and my biggest baby (hubby), asleep on the chair!  

In all the excitement of the snow, I forgot to lay anything out for dinner. OOOOPS!!! But, have not fear, dinner will be made, from scratch, from something.....LOL!!

I am also starting this week a "Clean out your pantry" week. Some blogs that I am reading are doing it for the month of January. I on the other hand am starting late so I am only going to do it for a week, maybe 2. The whole point of this is to use what you already have in your pantry and freezer. I have enough meat to last a month, I bet.  And, my pantry is stocked well too! This week, I do my shopping on Tuesdays or Thursday, I will only be purchasing the necessities: milk, lunch meat (if not able to use meats from dinners), cereal bars (the kind with fruit in the middle, haven't attempted to make them homemade yet) and any household item that I run out of and don't have a stock pile for. My local Kroger is having a meat sale this week. I MIGHT and I mean MIGHT be purchasing some meat items if I think I can get them for bottom dollar, if not, not buying it. Our meals this week and next will be Pantry and Freezer Meals. Not only will this use what I already have, but I can make room for more stocking and biggest of all, SAVE MONEY!! Who doesn't like to save money?  I know I do! 

I hope you are enjoying this blog and any feedback will be greatly appreciated! 

BTW, you can still get the TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE deal at TARGET. I purchased mine for a grand total of $5.24!! It was a $40.99 DVD/BLUE RAY Combo!! Who got a good deal?? Yep, that's me!!!
~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~

1 comment:

  1. Yep we've been playing hard too (although I get cold too quickly). I put a whole chicken on the stove to boil (Food Lion, sale ends tomorrow, I think 67cents a pound, I was out in the freezer...I'm doing the pantry challenge too). We're going to have Chicken and Dumplings, Corn Chowder, and Cornbread. Homemade hot chocolate, and then for dessert tonight....SNOW CREAM! Yay! And yes, I got the Twilight deal, thank you so much!
