
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Expanding our Chicken Coop!

      Last week, Wednesday to be exact, I needed to make a run to TSC (Tractor Supply Company) to pick up some dog food. While I was there, I picked up 2 baby ducks. I have wanted some ducks for a while and they were just born the day before and we soooo cute! SO, we have 2 ducks and will hopefully get some duck eggs out of the deal! The next day, I went to see about some baby chicks at the local Farm supply place. I ended up purchasing 3 baby Rhode Island Red Chicks and reserving 2 Arhicanas. They will give me blue and green eggs. My parents decided that the next day (Friday), they wanted to get some chicks too. But, they live in a subdivision and can not have farm animals. Seeing that the prices of food is on the rise, we came to the decision that if they would help us expand our chicken coop, we would allow them to put their chicks in with ours. So, they purchased 6 chicks, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Dominique. We are also checking prices with our local beef farmers for getting some freezer beef. 1/4 side of beef will feed my family for more than 6 months! All in the name of saving money!!!

     I went up to Whole Foods today and purchased some meats, cereal bars (since I can not seem time to make my own), cheeses and bulk oatmeal. I spent more than I wanted to but I got what I needed. After recovering from the sticker shock, I went to Wal-Mart....my most unfavorite place to be! I have been researching homemade cleaners and decided I wanted to give them a try. While I was at Whole Foods I picked up some Castile Soap. At Wally World, I picked up Borax and More Distilled While Vinegar along with some more spray bottles and a new mop! Once I try these cleaners out, I will post them and do a review! If you have any suggestions on cereal bars, or homemade cleaners, leave a comment!!
~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~

1 comment:

  1. I make liquid laundry soap (recipe on my blog) so easy my 11 yearold makes it. It costs less than 30 cents a gallon. We love it and it takes out stains wonderfully (my 3 yearold has really put it to the test). Ingredients...Arm&Hammer Washing soda, Borax, and Fels Naptha soap bar (any soap bar could be used). This is non-sudsing and CAN be used in HE washers.
