
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Fried" Cheese Grits? Yes Please!!

As I fixed cereal for Dillon this morning, I relized that I was starting to get hungry myself. I didn't want cereal, nor did I have any bacon, and I didn't want to eat just eggs... I looked in the fridge and seen that I had a container of leftover Cheese Grits. I had either read before on a blog or seen it on a cooking show, but I decided to try making "Fried" Cheese Grits!

Take any leftover grits and cut into squares. Warm a skillet on med heat and add enough Olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. When oil is heated, add grits...DO NOT TOUCH FOR ATLEAST % MIN. You may need to adjust your heat down, but by not touching them you will get a crispy cheese crust on the outside. After about 5 min or so, check to see if the crust is crispy to your liking. If so, flip and let cook another 3-4 minutes. Towards the end of the cooking time, add some shredded cheese.

This was my first time making them, and I WILL be making them again. They were so yummy!! There was a crispy outside but the inside was still fluffy!

I did not however think to take pictures of it. I wasn't planning on add this recipe to the blog, but after I ate the whole plate up, I decided it was too good not to share! Next time I will add pictures and may even make a video!

Hope you enjoy this recipe!!!

~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~

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