
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Sunday, January 9, 2011

MmmmMmmm Good!!

This weekend I wanted to get a lot accomplished! Its Sunday morning and I have yet to do the first meal planning, coupon filing, house cleaning and such. I did get a little, and I mean little, freezer cooking done! Last night I made up a batch of pizza dough and cut into 4. We ate 1 and I froze the other 3 for later uses in the month. I found a recipe on one of the blogs that I read, Life as MOM. Here is her site http://lifeasmom.com/ .

They are calling anywhere from 3-7 inches of snow where I live, in Tennessee. People usually freak out and rush to the grocery store and clean off the shelves. Not me, I am stocked up, however, yesterday I wanted to pick up another gallon of milk and some toilet paper. Hubby and I loaded up the 2 kids and went to town, 12 miles away, and bought Dog Food at our local TSC store. We then went to our local Kroger store and all I wanted to get was milk and toilet paper! Once we were there, I decided that I wanted to check out the meat prices and good thing I did. They had some Pork Sirloin chops on sale. I purchased over 4 lbs of Pork Sirloin chops for 1.99 lbs regularly 4.99lb. Good deal if you ask me. In the packet was 12 chops. That is 3 different main dishes and their leftovers. Today I had planned on making loaded potato soup for lunch.

Didn't Have Potatoes...main ingredient....

But, I did have the Pork Chops in my fridge waiting to be divided up. So, I used 4 today! Before church I put 4 chops seasoned with black pepper, onion and garlic powder, in a 9x9 casserole dish. I mixed together 1 can of Campbells Cream of Mushroom soup, refilled that can with milk and poured in bowl, 1 T Worcestershire Sauce, and the secret ingredient, 1 T Dijon Mustard! Add some shakes of garlic powder, onion powder and pepper too! Mix together and pour over chops. Cover with foil and cook on 400 degrees for 45 minutes! Serve over brown rice and a side of veggies!

IT WAS DELICIOUS!!! I hope you enjoy!!!

~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~


  1. Thanks! I love frugal food blogs!

  2. Thanks Brittany for reading!! I will have many more frugal foods to post!!
